Casper Network SRB
CSPR Staking Rewards Benchmark (CSPRSRB™) Methodology
CTSISRB is a benchmark that represents the mean, annualized staking rate across all active Casper Network validators.
CSPRSRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the Casper Profile and Staking Data API.
Inflation Rate
The total amount of tokens emitted per year. This value is fixed at 80M CSPR tokens (8%)
Staked Tokens
The total number of CSPR tokens bonded with active, non-jailed validators.
Total Supply
The total supply os CSPR tokens minted
CSPRSRB takes into account all accumulated rewards, whether they have been claimed or remain unclaimed.
CSRPSRB operates on a non-compounded basis, meaning it excludes returns generated from the reinvestment of rewards.
CSRPSRB is based on an assumption of 100% validator efficiency. For a SRB Reward Rate adjusted according to individual validator performance, please refer to CSPRSRB(v).
CSPRSRB does not factor in the possibility of slashing occurrences.
Slashing is not currently enabled on the Casper Network. If a validator behaves poorly on the network, they face eviction from the network and loss of rewards. When slashing is enabled, poor behavior will result in token removal. In this case, you will lose any rewards accrued during the eviction period.
Casper Validator Staking Rewards Rate: CSPRSRB(v)
Staking Rewards calculates the CSPRSRB for each validator based on their individual performance and commission rate.
The percentage of successfully validated blocks.
Commission Rate
The percentage commission rate the validator has set as a delegation fee for all delegators.
Observation Period:
The CSPRSRB is determined based on the latest generated block at the point of evaluation.
This data is then annualized for a comprehensive year-long projection.
The calculation happens every 2 hours and is immediately published via Staking Data API.
CSPRSRB excludes rewards accrued from Interchain/Replicated Security.
CSPRSRB employs a 365-day convention for annualizing current block provisions and daily fees. This convention remains consistent and does not accommodate adjustments for leap years.
CSPR Real Reward Rate (CSPRSRB^R)
The real reward rate calculates the CTSISRB adjusted for inflation in the network.
Inflation Rate
The block rewards adjusted by staked tokens and divided by the total CSPR circulating supply in the network.
Other Casper Network metrics calculated by Staking Rewards:
Delegated Tokens
The number of CSPR tokens delegated to validators.
Self Staked Tokens
The number of CSPR tokens staked by validators directly.
Staking Wallets
This metric refers to the total quantity of distinct delegations made. It doesn't distinguish based on unique delegator addresses and excludes considerations of any minimum delegation thresholds.
Data Sources:
Last updated