🪟Coti SRB

COTI Staking Rewards Benchmark (COTI™) Methodology

COTISRB is a benchmark representing the annualized staking rate for the COTI token.

COTISRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the COTI Profile and Staking Data API.

COTISRB=((cotiApy+1)(1/365)1)365COTISRB = ((cotiApy +1)^{(1/365)}-1) * 365
Formula keyMetric nameDescription


coti leverage 8 & lockup 120 d

The current API from treasury for leverage x8 and 120d lock up period.

COTI Real Reward Rate (COTISRB^R)

The real reward rate calculates the reward rate adjusted for inflation in the network.

Formula KeyMetric nameDescription


Inflation Rate

Total tokens added to the circulating supply in the last 365 days.

Data Sources:


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Last updated on 07/08/2024

Last updated