GNOSRB is a benchmark that represents the annualized staking rate for the GNO token.

GNOSRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the GNO Profile and Staking Data API.

GNOSRB=((356โˆ—24โˆ—60โˆ—60)/epochTime)โˆ—rewardFactorโˆ—((32โˆ—math::pow(10,9))/math::sqrt((activeValidators+minimumValidators)โˆ—32โˆ—math::pow(10,9)))/(32โˆ—math::pow(10,9))GNOSRB = ((356 * 24 * 60 * 60) / epochTime) * rewardFactor * ((32 * math::pow(10,9)) / math::sqrt( (activeValidators + minimumValidators) * 32 * math::pow(10,9))) / (32 * math::pow(10,9))

Formula keyMetric nameDescription


Epoch Time

The epoch time is the time between each set of 16 blocks. Block time is set to 5 seconds, making each epoch around 80 seconds long.


Reward Factor

This is a free parameter that will essentially influence how much rewards validators can expect. Faster block times and shorter influence (increase) validator rewards. This parameter is currently set to 25.


Active Validators getting rewards

The number of active validators in the gnosis blockchain.


Minimum validator threshold

To start the chain there was a suggested number of 4096 validators (== 4096 GNO staked). Below this, no rewards are distributed.

Real Reward Rate (GNOSRB^R)

The real reward rate calculates the GNOSRB adjusted for inflation in the network.

GNOSRBR=1+GNOSRB/(1+i)โˆ’1GNOSRB ^R = 1+GNOSRB /(1+i)-1

Formula KeyMetric nameDescription


inflation rate

Total emission of new tokens. For gnosis, this accounts only staking rewards.

Data Sources:

  • We fetch data for Gnosis metrics through gnosischain API endpoints:


Last updated