โš–๏ธSkale SRB

The SRB Reward Rate for Skale is a benchmark that represents the annualized staking rate for the SKL token.

It is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the SKL asset page and Staking Data API.

SkaleSRB=rd/30โˆ—365/stSkaleSRB = rd / 30 * 365 / st
Formula keyMetric nameDescription


Distributed Rewards (reward_distribution_30d)

The calculated distributed rewards in the last 30d for all validators.


Staked Tokens (staked_tokens)

The total staked tokens amount.

Skale Validator Staking Rewards Rate: SRB(v)

Staking Rewards calculates the Skale SRB for each validator based on their individual performance and commission rate.

SRB(v)=vr/30โˆ—365โˆ—(1โˆ’cr)/vstSRB(v) = vr / 30 *365 * (1 - cr) / vst

Formula keyMetric NameDescription


Validator Rewards (monthly_rewards)

The rewards collected by the validator in the last 30 days.


Commission Rate (commission)

The commission rate the validators has set as a delegation fee.


Validator Staked Tokens (staked_tokens)

The stake of the validator in the network (investment)

Skale Real Reward Rate SRB(r)

The real reward rate calculates the reward rate adjusted for inflation in the network.

SRB(r)=1+SRB/(1+i)โˆ’1SRB(r) = 1+SRB/(1+i)-1
Formula KeyMetric nameDescription


Inflation Rate (inflation_rate)

Total tokens added to the circulating supply in the last 365 days.

Data Sources:

  • Indexed Ethereum Data via Dune.

Last updated