☁️Cudos SRB

Cudos Staking Rewards Benchmark (CUDOSSRB™) Methodology

CUDOSSRB is a benchmark representing the mean, annualized staking rate across all active Cudos validators.

CUDOSSRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the Cudos Profile and Staking Data API.

The calculations are derived from the ATOMSRB documentation, serving as the foundational reference to ensure the accuracy of relevant metrics.

For more information visit the ATOMSRB docs.

CUDOS Staking Rewards Rate: CUDOSSRB

CUDOS Validator Staking Rewards Rate: CUDOSSRB(v)

Staking Rewards calculates the CUDOSSRB for each validator based on their individual performance and commission rate.

CUDOS Real Reward Rate: CUDOSSRB^R

The real reward rate calculates the CUDOSSRB adjusted for inflation in the network.

Other Cudos metrics calculated by Staking Rewards

Data Sources:


⚙️ Get the latest Cudos Staking Data API for Free

Last updated on 09/10/2024

Last updated