Waves SRB
Waves Staking Rewards Benchmark (WAVESSRB™) Methodology
WAVESSRB is a benchmark representing the mean, annualized staking rate across all active Waves nodes.
WAVESSRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the Waves Profile and Staking Data API.
WAVES Staking Rewards Rate: WAVESSRB
Annual Provisions
The total amount of tokens emitted per year.
Validator Share
The amount of annual provisions allocated to generating nodes, set to 1/3.
Number of Blocks
The number of Waves blocks created per year.
Waves DAO LP Tokens
The share of the block reward distributed to the Waves DAO treasury.
Monthly Fees
The number of tokens paid as transaction fees.
Month Constant
Staked Tokens
The total tokens staked with generating nodes.
WAVESSRB does not factor in the possibility of slashing occurrences.
It's important to note that if validator entities face slashing, rewards will increase, as the slashed tokens are reallocated among validators.
WAVES Validator Staking Reward Rate: WAVESSRB(v)
Staking Rewards calculates the WAVESSRB for each node based on blocks generated, DAO rewards, accrued fees, and commission rate.
Block Rewards
The rewards earned from generating blocks.
DAO Rewards
The rewards earned from WAVESDLP. Each generated block yields 2 WAVESDLP tokens.
Fee Rewards
The rewards earned from transaction fees.
Commission Rate
The percentage commission rate the node has set.
Observation Period:
The WAVESSRB is determined based on the latest generated block at the point of evaluation.
This data is then annualized for a comprehensive year-long projection.
The calculation happens every 2 hours and is immediately published via Staking Data API.
WAVES Real Reward Rate: WAVESSRB^R
The real reward rate calculates the WAVESSRB adjusted for inflation in the network.
Inflation Rate
The annual provisions divided by the circulating supply.
Inflation Rate Behavior
The issuance of new WAVES tokens equals 6 WAVES per block.
Other Waves metrics calculated by Staking Rewards:
Delegated Tokens
The number of WAVES tokens leased to generating nodes.
Staking Wallets
The total number of unique delegations on-chain. It doesn't distinguish based on unique delegator addresses.
Data Sources:
Staking Rewards from indexed Waves Blockchain RPC Endpoints
Last updated