DeFi Lending API

DeFi Lending Integration Guide

  1. Schema Endpoint Structure

  2. Get the right asset & provider slug

  3. Example Endpoint Structure

Integration Steps:

  • Prepare Your Data: Ensure your vault information aligns with our schema requirements.

  • Submit Your Data: Provide us with detailed information regarding your vaults.

  • Verification: Our team will verify the information before publishing your services.

By completing these steps, you help improve visibility and transparency for users exploring staking opportunities on our site. Let's enhance your service’s reach together!

To integrate your liquid staking services into, follow the structure defined below for the Provider object:

  1. Schema Endpoint Structure

  "name": "string", // The protocol's name.
  "totalUsers": number, // (Optional) Total number of individual wallets deposited into the protocol.
  "totalBalanceUsd": number, // (Optional) The total balance held in USD.
  "supportedVaults": [ // Array of protocol's lending options
      "label": "string", // Version of the lending market or strategy.
      "stakelink": "string", // Link to the official UI for this lending market
      "slug": "string", // The slug of the supplied asset (Coingecko ID or learn more below).
      "chain": "string", // The chain the asset needs to be supplied.
      "balance": number, // The number of tokens supplied.
      "users": number, // Individual wallets utilizing the strategy.
      "apr": number, // Annual percentage rate before fees.
      "aprBreakdown": [ // (Optional) Reward Rate payout currencies.
          "slug": "string", // The token slug (Coingecko ID or learn more below).
          "apr": number // Proportion of this token on the total APR in decimals.
      "fee": [ // The fees taken by the protocol.
          "management_fee": number, // Fee percentage the protocol takes for managing the lending option.
          "performance_fee": number, // Fee percentage the protocol takes on the lending option performance.
          "deposit_fee": number, // Fee percentage the protocol takes on deposits into the lending option.
          "exit_fee": number // Fee percentage the protocol takes when exiting the lending option.
      "capacity": number, // (Optional) Free capacity of token that can be deposited.
      "maxLTV": number, // (Optional) Maximum borrowing power of a specific asset in percentage.
      "utilization": number, // (Optional) current utilization in percentage.
      "isolatedRisk": boolean, // (Optional) separate smart contract per asset.
      "liquidationPenalty": number, // (Optional) Penalty in percentage.
      "pointsBreakdown": [ // (Optional) Points on top of the vaults.
          "name": "string" // The issuer of the points.

The more detailed your breakdown is, the more data we can display on your provider profiles and the respective asset profiles.

2. Requesting Staking Rewards Asset and Operator Slugs

To request slugs for your assets and provider, complete the following steps:

  1. Prepare a list of the assets supported by your liquid service.

  2. Note down any specific chain details for each asset, such as APR and fees.

  3. Contact the Staking Rewards team with details of your operation.

The Staking Rewards team will guide you through the process of acquiring your slugs and assist with any queries you may have concerning the integration.

Staking Rewards Asset and Provider slugs can be requested here:

  1. Example Endpoint Schema{

      "name": "Aave", 
      "totalUsers": 54321, // (Optional) in unique wallets.
      "totalBalanceUsd": 5225325533, // (Optional) in USD.
      "supportedVaults": [ // Array of protocol's lending options
          "label": "V3", // Aave v3
          "stakelink": "",
          "slug": "ethereum-2-0",
          "chain": "ethereum-2-0", // The chain the asset needs to be supplied.
          "balance": 692120, // The number of tokens supplied in the lending strategy.
          "users": 2121,
          "apr": 1.39, // Annual percentage rate before fees.
          "aprBreakdown": [ // (Optional) Reward Rate payout currencies.
              "slug": "aave", // incentives paid in AAVE token
              "apr": 0.01
              "slug": "ethereum-2-0",
              "apr": 1.38
          "fee": [ 
              "management_fee": 0, 
              "performance_fee": 0, 
              "deposit_fee": 0, 
              "exit_fee": 0 
          "capacity": 1100000, // addtional eth that can be supplied 
          "maxLTV": 80.5,
          "utilization": 72.19,
          "isolatedRisk": 0, // Risk getting pooled in Aave
          "liquidationPenalty": 1

The API provided must be updated with the latest data at least every 24 hours.

Last updated