Fluence SRB
Fluence Staking Rewards Benchmark (Fluence SRB™) Methodology
FluenceSRB is a benchmark that represents the reward rate of staking the asset.
FluenceSRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the Fluence Profile and Staking Data API.
FLT earned
Total staking rewards to be paid out during the current Block
Sum of all the FLT staked by all the participants in the network.
Number of CUs assigned to a specific Capacity Commitment (CC).
The slashing rate for one failed epoch per Compute Unit (CU) is set to 0% for the first month of the Mainnet, with plans to increase it in the future.
Slashing penalizes Capacity Commitments when CUs fail to prove their claimed capacity or act maliciously against the network. As a security measure, the collateral locked in the Capacity Commitment ensures that the Peer consistently submits the required number of proofs for each CU in every epoch throughout the commitment's duration.
A portion of slashed funds is rewarded to those who report violations, while the rest goes to the If a Peer fails to submit the required proofs for some CUs during an epoch, the CC collateral is slashed based on the slashing rate at the end of the epoch.
The total amount of collateral slashed is determined by the formula:
FluenceSRB Validators Staking Reward Rate: FluenceSRB (v)
Staking Rewards calculates the FluenceSRB for each validator based on their individual performance and commission rate.
Commission Rate
The percentage commission rate the validator has set as a delegation fee for all delegators
Observation Period:
The FluenceSRB is determined based on the latest generated block at the point of evaluation, with each epoch corresponding to 1 day.
This data is then annualized for a comprehensive year-long projection.
The calculation happens every 2 hours and is immediately published via Staking Data API.
FluenceSRB does not guarantee the specified reward rate for individual validators, as it is subject to various factors such as network conditions, validator performance, and adherence to protocol rules.
FluenceSRB's annual projections are estimates and may fluctuate due to changes in network participation, Ethereum usage patterns, and evolving network dynamics, making long-term predictions inherently uncertain.
FluenceSRB Real Reward Rate: FluenceSRB ^R
The real reward rate calculates the FluenceSRB adjusted for inflation in the network.
Inflation Rate
The annual provisions divided by the circulating supply.
Other FluenceSRB metrics calculated by Staking Rewards:
Staked tokens
The number of FLT tokens staked
Compute Units Total
Total number of Compute Units (CUs) available in the network
Total Ccs
Total number of active Capacity Commitments (CCs) in the network
Compute Units Count
Number of CUs assigned to a specific Capacity Commitment (CC).
Data Sources:
Staking Rewards from indexed Fluence Blockchain RPC Endpoints
Last updated