🌌Cosmos Hub SRB

Cosmos Hub Staking Rewards Benchmark (CHSRB™) Methodology

CHSRB is a benchmark representing the mean, annualized staking rate across all active networks' validators. CHSRB refers to all digital assets utilizing Cosmos SDK technology and following the same metric calculation principles.

Projects might introduce proprietary changes or include additional parameters. The differences are mentioned for calculations involving extra or modified variables.

CHSRB is calculated and published by Staking Rewards via the dedicated asset profiles and Staking Data API.

Cosmos Hub Assets

Cosmos Hub Staking Rewards Rate: CHSRB

  • CHSRB takes into account all accumulated rewards, whether they have been claimed or remain unclaimed.

  • CHSRB operates on a non-compounded basis, meaning it excludes returns generated from the reinvestment of rewards.

  • CHSRB is based on an assumption of 100% validator efficiency. For a SRB Reward Rate adjusted according to individual validator performance, please refer to CHSRB(v).


  • CHSRB does not factor in the possibility of slashing occurrences.

  • It's important to note that if validator entities face slashing, rewards will increase, as the slashed tokens are reallocated among validators.

Expected vs. Actual Block Time

  • The inflation metrics retrieved from RPC endpoints may not depict the genuine inflation rate. This discrepancy arises due to the actual block time being significantly quicker than the protocol's targeted time.

  • The difference between expected and actual block time influences the annual provisions which affects rewards.

  • Consequently, there's an elevation in blocks generated annually, leading to increased inflation.

  • The CHSRB methodology adjusts for this variation, prioritizing the actual block time over the anticipated block time to determine accurate inflation and reward rates.

Observation Period

  • The CHSRB is determined based on the latest generated block at the point of evaluation.

  • This data is then annualized for a comprehensive year-long projection.


  • The calculation happens every 2 hours and is immediately published via Staking Data API.


  • CHSRB excludes rewards accrued from Interchain/Replicated Security.

  • CHSRB employs a 365-day convention for annualizing current block provisions and daily fees. This convention remains consistent and does not accommodate adjustments for leap years.

Cosmos Hub Validator Staking Rewards Rate: CHSRB(v)

Staking Rewards calculates the CHSRB for each validator based on their individual performance and commission rate.

Cosmos Hub Real Reward Rate: CHSRB^R

The real reward rate calculates the CHSRB adjusted for inflation in the network.

Inflation Rate Behavior

  • The inflation is also subject to a rate change (positive or negative) depending on the distance from the desired ratio (67%). The maximum rate change possible is defined to be 13% per year, however the annual inflation is capped as between 7% and 20%.

Cosmos Hub Variations

Some assets might differ in calculation formulas. They can include or exclude parameters designed for projects' individual vision and needs. The modifications for selected assets are presented below:

Canto Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: CANTOSRB

Kava Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: KAVASRB

Osmosis Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: OSMOSRB

The Osmosis staking distribution allocates rewards as follows: 50% to staking, 20% to pool incentives, 25% to developer rewards, and 5% to the community pool. This structure ensures that half of the rewards go directly to those staking their tokens, while also incentivizing liquidity through pool rewards, supporting ongoing development efforts, and fostering community growth and engagement.

Quicksilver Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: QCKSRB

Stargaze Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: STARSSRB

Stride Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: STRDSRB

Stride Inflation Rate Behavior

Stride has three types of token emissions: block-by-block emissions, emitted every block on the Stride blockchain, incentives distribution, and token vesting to core contributors and partners.

Stride has introduced a system whereby stakers receive fees from LSTs in addition to block commissions and daily fees. The reward structure and fee schedule can be adjusted by the governance community, indicating a flexible approach to managing market dynamics and user behavior.

XPLA Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: XPLASRB

ZetaChain Staking Rewards Benchmark Methodology: ZETASRB

ZetaChain Inflation Rate Behavior

After approximately 4 years after the TGE. based on a set curve, the protocol will plan to initiate a target of ~2.5% yearly inflation based on the current circulating supply, providing a mechanism to sustain the network into the future.

Other Cosmos Hub metrics calculated by Staking Rewards

Data Sources:


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Last updated on 07/08/2024

Last updated